CNS Air Courier tariff

CNS Air Courier subscriptions - January to December 2024

CNS Air Courier Subscriptions
Payable monthly in advance
1. CNS transaction charges
Payable monthly in arrears
2. CNS Network Charges
Payable quarterly in advance
3. CNS gateway CHIEF/CDS
CNS gateway CHIEF/CDS provides a clearance service and a reporting service.
CNS gateway CHIEF/CDS EDI Tariff
For customers with software to create EDIFACT messages to send to CHIEF/CDS via CNS.
Product Monthly fee(payable quarterly in advance) Included Export Frontier Declarations Clearance service Included Import or Export Supplementary Declarations Reporting service Additional Supplementary Declarations Reporting service (payable monthly in arrears)

Prices are available on application for higher volumes.

Included messages must be used in the same calendar month and may not be carried over.

Payable monthly in arrears

Clearance service for frontier declarations
CNSgatewayCHIEF/CDS Non-EDI Tariff

For customers who are not using software to send EDIFACT messages to CHIEF/CDS via CNS.


4. CNSgatewayICS

CNSgatewayICS provides a browser application, Excel spreadsheet upload, CUSCAR interface and XML messaging interface to UK ICS. CNS can also offer connectivity to ICS systems of other member states.

For pricing information, please contact CNS.

5. Other CNS charges
Payable monthly in arrears
6. Standard payment terms
Invoices are payable by Direct Debit which will be collected 30 days after the invoice date.